Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Undead and Uneasy by MaryJanice Davidson (272 pages)

Library copy.

Yay!! I finally finished a book!! After wasting a week on a book I ended up giving up on, and then a few days of barely having time to read just a page or two, I finally finished a book! I really felt like I was in a slump.

Anyway, although I felt this was one of the better Betsy books, I didn't think it was as great as everyone made it out to be. Firstly, the brunt of the book is pretty much all Betsy, without the addition of all her friends. And you know what? Betsy is kind of boring without that interaction. Secondly, the whole killing-Marjorie-saving-Sinclair-Garrett-Antonia-and-Jessica-being-cured thing was a bit too much for me, too "happily ever after" you know? I also wish MJD had explained more about why Derik was so freaked out over BabyJon; and when did he get married? Did I miss an installment somewhere? I thought the vamps and wolves came together in Dead and Loving It but Betsy acted like she didn't know them? I do have a crap memory though, so who knows.

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